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Flax Seeds
Flax: Therapeutic actions and uses
Nowadays flax seeds are mainly used as a laxative.
Flaxseed has emollient properties. Soothes irritations of the digestive system.
Flaxseed infusion relieves inflammation of the urinary system.
Stimulates the spiritual function
Prevent cancer or delay its progression, because they contain Lignans, which have the ability to inactivate the powerful estrogens responsible for the development of cancerous tumors in the breast, reproductive system (uterus) and large intestine.
There are satisfactory data of its use for the treatment of prostate cancer.
Protect against inflammatory diseases such as arthritis, lupus erythematosus and psoriasis.
Flaxseed protects against breast cancer.
Protects the heart, lowers cholesterol and strengthens the immune system.
Helps with asthma, menstrual cramps, menopausal symptoms, irritable bowel syndrome and depression.
Reduces the symptoms of inflammatory diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis and possibly protects against diabetes.
Contributes to the reduction of high pressure.
The decoction is good for bronchial, pneumonia and gallstones.
It is soothing for gastritis and sore throat.
As the oil of its seeds is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, it is interesting for the diet of the so-called elderly.
Linoleum kills worms and intestinal parasites.
It acts against neuropathy and fights depression. Recent research has shown encouraging results in its therapeutic action in psychiatric and neurological problems.
Increase metabolism, help burn unhealthy fats in the body and cause thermogenesis. They reduce the appetite for unhealthy fats.
As a flour, flaxseed is used in the preparation of emollients and poultices that help heal wounds.
It is also used as a poultice in the treatment of acne and herpes.